Nursery Policies
Please see attached Policies and documents
- Admissions Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Children's Rights and Entitlements
- under review - First Aid and Reporting Incidents and Accidents
- under review - Food and Drink including Food Hygiene
- Intimate Care Policy including Sun Care
- under review - Looked After Children
- under review - Maintaining Children's Safety and Security on the Premises
- under review - Managing Administering Medicines and Child sickness, infections and Allergies
- Missing child on an outing
- Missing Child Policy
- Outings and Visits
- under review - Parental Infomation
- under review - Password
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- under review - Settling in and Key Person Policy
- Sleep and Quiet Time
- Staffing
- under review - The Prevent Duty & British Values
- under review - Uncollected Child Policy
- Use of mobile phones and Cameras