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Willow Weekly Blog - 24/02/2022

Well done everyone – super first week back!

We started the week with our immersion morning on our new topic ‘Nurturing Nature’ in which the children learnt about our upcoming learning across all subjects this half term. And designed a topic page. We also learnt more about our ‘R’ this term: reciprocity having a go at a cup stacking challenge and how we can apply this knowledge within the class. The coaches from AFC Bournemouth also showed us the importance of reciprocity in our workshop on Friday where our team skills were put to the test!

In English we began our new text ‘The Tin Forest’ and have been buys enjoying the story as well as recognising features of non-chronological reports such as subtitles. The children also enjoyed some time designing their subtitles for their own non-chronological report based on the rainforest and used the ICT suite to research their facts.

Within Maths we will continue to learn more about length and have been looking at units of measurement, recognising and converting Cm and Mm.

Within Science the children enjoyed learning about the role of plants including the flower, roots, stem and leaves annotating their own diagrams.

Miss Welch, Mrs Brason and Mrs Steel