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Willow Weekly Blog - 7/6/19

Magic Moment Blog


This week we have enjoyed making junk model sea creatures during our R day (Imogen). We were thinking about being responsible for our planet and the sea creatures will form part of a special project that the eco-team will be helping to create (Henry BH). We have enjoyed starting our learning about Pirates this week and we loved singing some sea shanties on Thursday afternoon (Ben).


This week we have reflected on D Day, we spent our base worship time talking about the importance of remembering D Day and some children even brought in some home learning (Jemima).


We stumbled into the learning pit when we were reflecting on the learning from earlier in the year, we were trying to see which learning had stayed in our long term memory (Hettie).


Next week we are looking forward to continuing to learn about Pirates and being the oldest and most responsible members of the school as Ash Base enjoy their trip to Springhead.

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